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Invisible Monsters

Invisible Monsters - Chuck Palahniuk Boy or Girl? Invisible or Visible? Monster and more Monster
[Personal Review for Invisible Monsters]

I read three Chuck Palahniuk books. My first Chuck experience was Fight Club and I am not disappointed with this book. It was like a new taste for me. Then I tried to read Survivor, I found it with the same taste of beginning and the finale same as the Fight Club but it was better than the first.

I dedicate my reading life reading Young Adult books but unfortunately, I find it boring reading the same stories, same plot, same flow of actions and suspense. So I tell myself that I need to recess just for a while reading dystopian novel and focus on fiction books. And voila! I will never regret it!

I picked Invisible Monsters because I want to read Palahniuk’s works chronologically. Why I chose to read in sequential order? Simply because I want to find out if the author is improving. Some of them are good with their debut novel but with the other novels, I don’t know what happened. First I’m afraid reading Invisible Monsters because Chucks first two novels had the same formula, a flashback of what happened to them, and I was disenchanted (at first). Yes! You got it right, this book had the same formula with the two previous books, and I asked myself – “Why Chuck! WHY?”. Well, I gave this book a chance to prove itself to me. And It worked! IM SO INLOVE WITH THIS BOOK! 

The story is in the 1st person point of view in the character of
Shannon McFarland – beautiful, alluring model. At first there is an incident of shooting Brandy Alexander and the story revolves around the flashback of the events.

So much words of chuck that I will never forget:
The best way is not to fight it, just go. Don’t be trying all the time to fix things. What you run from only stays with you longer. When you fight something, you only make it stronger.

The story is not only about beauty, lifestyle or being fabulous but also how will we deal with third sex. Let’s be honest- even I have some fear with gays (yeah, fear because of some tragic experiences with them) – some of us single out LGBT in our circle of friends. We are not capable of hanging out with them because of them being different (not all of us, I said some). But reading this book made me realize the even gays or lesbians deserved to be accepted and to be loved.

When we’re talking about LGBT, some will associate this with AIDS, or any sexual transmitted disease. Some people, they can’t accept them as a member of society because of their unwanted illness. We may find it disgusting but still they are people and I’m sad because I had two friends who died because of HIV. But the lesson is let’s not be afraid of them instead help them.

I love Invisible Monsters because of its web-mapping revelation. You’ll be surprised by what happened to the character and WOW! REALLY? FUCK YOU CHUCK! THAT WAS FANTASTIC! This is the best Chuck Palahniuk book I read so far. Thumbs up Chuck!

We have an invisible photographer in our minds.
Give me acceptance
Give me understanding
Give me love

57th Book for 2014